Woman shopping

How Much Do I Love Switching My Bag? Let Me Count the Ways

I have a confession to make. Actually, the confession is in the headline, kind of (and it’s not just about our Neoprene tote).

First of all, the world has a LOT of handbags. And I’ve been finding – and loving! –  them everywhere for decades. From thrift shops to haute couture boutiques to everything in between, I’m a bag-shopping expert.

Speaking of thrift shops, according to this 2021 piece on NPR, GenZ has “normalized” thrifting, which has now grown into a $28 billion-a-year business.

The Lure of Thrifting

Budget-minded shoppers can thrift to their hearts’ content, and participate in what I call “collection frenzy,” even as I myself participate. Truly, it’s remarkable what you can find on a “good” thrifting day. My best bag score was a lovely Neiman-Marcus leopard print (my fave!) tote with – gasp! – red lining (I’m partial to not just leopard print everything, but leopard print with red lining? Sign me up!). The bag has lovely leather handles and cost me the princely sum of $5.

Given my penchant for hunting/gathering bags, and scouting out great thrift scores, to say that my collection has grown over the years is a vast understatement.

What this allows me to do, of course, is switch out my bag whenever the mood strikes. Ahh, there it is! The actual subject of this piece, finally.

Anyway…having this collection of bags means that whenever the mood strikes, I can choose to carry a different bag. And it’s absolutely a ceremonial 30 minutes or so.

No Judgement!

First, I peruse my “bag closet” (don’t judge).

Then, I select a bag.

Next, I review my collection of wallets (don’t judge) to decide if I need a more suitable wallet to go with the “new” bag.

Now it’s time to empty my current bag and decide what to keep (wallet), what to toss (five-foot-long CVS receipts), and what to donate (I got nothing).

Then, it’s time to fill the new (old) bag.

Yes, I’m Obsessed

I know, this probably sounds a little bit…obsessed. Which is exactly what I am. What can I say? I constantly tell people, “Hey, some women like shoes. I like bags.”

The best-ever bag switch, of course, came when I got to use one of our Neoprene tote bags for the first time. Oh, the indescribable joy and excitement! When we first came up with the idea for our Watercolors Neoprene tote, I was thrilled. “Finally!” I thought. “A bag even I can’t destroy!”

Just kidding. Sort of. I rarely destroy bags, whether they’re $5 thrift shop finds or couture bags. I mean, they’re….handbags. Take care of them!

But I digress. The “destroy” test came on a dark and stormy night (really) at the local pier. Our city was putting on its first-ever drone show. Unfortunately, minutes before the show was to start, torrential rain and winds descended. Our family, always up for braving the elements, were the last people on the pier, at the far end. Workers were gesturing and yelling to us: “Get off! Get off!”

The Bag Was Soaked

Off we went, in the worst storm I’ve ever been caught in. The tote bag, and I, were soaked to the bone. Here, I thought, is a great test of this bag.

Pun intended: The bag passed with flying colors. Not only did nothing inside get wet, but the entire bag was dry within maybe an hour. It was thrilling.

Warning: Professional mermaid here. Do not try this at home.

So, if you’re a mermaid, or someone who just loves, loves, loves bags, check out our Watercolors line (our first!) and order one today. I bet you’ll be thrilled to be Spectacular.

– Dawne

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on this post, drop us a line at info@spectacularbags.com, or leave a comment on our Facebook page or Instagram feed.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at Pexels

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